ACWF (African Child Welfare Foundation registered trustees) is a non -governmental, non- political, non religious and non -profit making organization to cater for the need of reducing poverty in Tanzania Communities through Supporting Vulnerable people with a special focus on Tanzanian children and youth, Mitigating HIV/AIDS pandemic, Improving Socio-Economic standards of living and promoting sustainable Earth Environment.
The foundation is aiming at raising social welfare of the Community in question especially the vulnerable groups such as Disadvantaged Children, Orphans, the youth, Widows, Elderly people, HIV/AIDS patients, disabled and hence bring community economic prosperity. Under its enacted constitution, the foundation will prevail with the Tanzanian Laws and Regulations accordingly.
The first areas of operation for ACWF shall be Lunguo Ward in Moshi Municipality and Kelamfua Mokala ward in Rombo Dirstrict. This assignment is therefore aimed to achieve a comprehensive collection verification analysis of Data that shall lead to a working plan for ACWF.
ACWF Constitution
Source http://tz.one.un.org/index.php/core-commitments/millenium-development-goals
Millennium Development Goals
In September 2000, at the United Nations Millennium Summit, world leaders agreed to set a time-frame for measurable goals and targets to combat poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation and gender inequality. These Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), along with the Millennium Declaration, are now at the heart of the global development agenda and at the centre of Tanzania’s national strategies for growth and poverty reduction, MKUKUTA II and MKUZA II.
The Millennium Declaration includes a set of 8 goals, which encompass 18 targets for development and poverty eradication to be achieved by 2015:
MDG 1 |
Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger |
MDG 2 |
Achieve universal primary education |
MDG 3 |
Promote gender equality and empower women |
MDG 4 |
Reduce child mortality |
MDG 5 |
Improve maternal health |
MDG 6 |
Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases |
MDG 7 |
Ensure environmental sustainability |
MDG 8 |
Develop a global partnership for development |
Tanzania has embraced the MDGs within its national Poverty Monitoring System since 2001 and has made considerable progress in achieving them. Targets in Primary school net enrollment, equity in primary education, access to safe water and reduction in child mortality have already been met or are now on track to be met by 2015. Despite important progress, efforts need to be accelerated to reduce maternal mortality, to halt and reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS, to achieve greater gender equality and to cut extreme poverty by half.
For information about the status of the MDGs in Tanzania please see the MDG Progress report for Tanzania at: http://www.tz.undp.org/mdgs_progress.html or www.undp.org/content/dam/tanzania/tanzania MDG Report 2010.pdf
For more information about the MDGs in general, visit: http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/.